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Dr. EvaMarie Lindahl

Born in Viken 1976. Lives and works in Sweden

Feel free to get in contact with me regarding requests of collaboration, lectures, artworks and such.

Phone: +46(0)732-190860
E-mail: e v a m a r i e ( a ) e v a m a r i e l i n d a h l ( . ) c o m
Instagram: @evamarie_lindahl_studio
Skype: evamarielindahl



November 2024 One month residency at Institute Suedois in Paris, Swedish Arts Grants Committee
November 2024 Screening of The Artist Named Me Nero at the annual meeting of Minding Animals Germany at the University of Fine Arts Münster
June – November 2025 Solo exhibition at Skissernas Museum, SE


2022 – Associate research fellow of the Centre for Human Animal Studies, Edge Hill University Ormskirk, UK
2023 – Member of EACAS, the European Association for Critical Animal Studies

Autumn 2024 Enrolled in the course Etnoastronomi at Gothenburg University

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(english) EvaMarie Lindahl, PhD, is a visual artist and researcher based in Sweden. Her research-driven art projects are situated in the intersection of Critical Animal Studies, the visual arts and activism. Lindahl has developed an art practice that encompasses large-scale graphite drawings as well as text-based performance work and collective self-organisation. Through her projects, Lindahl is questioning the writing of art history from an anthropocentric and patriarchal position by correcting, re-writing and imagining new (art) histories. This has developed into an art practice that could be called art history activism. In her current work, she is questioning the human-animal dichotomy and addressing the human habit of oppressing other animals by using them as resource and material in art production.

Lindahl earned her doctoral degree at Edge Hill University (UK) at The Centre for Human Animal Studies in 2022. Her doctoral research project titled Resistance Within the Museum FaunaChallenging Anthropocentrism through Counter Art Histories and Non-Human Narratives is a practice-based thesis within visual art and critical animal studies that is engaged in decentring the human in art history in favour of non-human animals.

Lindahl earned her Master of Fine Arts at The Malmö Art Academy in Sweden. Her work has been exhibited and performed at several institutions such as the National Gallery of Denmark, Bonniers Konsthall, The Art Museum in Ystad, Malmö Konsthall, Uppsala Art Museum, the Bishop’s House in Lund, Stene Projects Gallery, Gallery Ping Pong, Kvinnohistoriskt Museum and Malmö Museum. She has been awarded project and working grants from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee and is represented by several private and public collections. Lindahl is part of the working group of UNICORN artists in solidarity since 2015.

Lindahl has been frequently engaged as a teacher at several universities and art schools as well as on panels related to her fields of interests.


(swedish) EvaMarie Lindahl, PhD, är verksam som bildkonstnär och är baserad i Sverige. Hennes researchbaserade konstprojekt befinner sig i skärningspunkten mellan kritiska djurstudier, bildkonst och aktivism. Lindahl har utvecklat en konstpraktik som omfattar storskaliga blyertsteckningar så väl som textbaserade performanceverk. I sina projekt ifrågasätter Lindahl ständigt skrivningen av konsthistoria från en antropocentrisk och patriarkal position genom att korrigera, skriva om och föreställa sig nya (konst)historier. På senare tid har detta utvecklats till en konstpraktik som kan kallas konsthistorieaktivism. I hennes pågående arbete ifrågasätter hon dikotomin människa-djur samt diskuterar människors vana att förtrycka andra djur genom att använda dem som resurs och material i konstproduktion.

Lindahl innehar en doktorsexamen från Edge Hill University (UK) som hon tog vid The Centre for Human Animal Studies 2022. Hennes forskningsprojekt med titeln Resistance Within the Museum Fauna – Challenging Anthropocentrism through Counter Art Histories and Non-Human Narratives är en avhandling inom konstnärlig forskning och kritiska djurstudier som använder sig av antropomorfism och empati för att skriva och framföra konsthistorier där icke mänskliga djur står i centrum.

Lindahl innehar en master i konst vid Malmö konsthögskola sedan 2008. Hennes verk har ställts ut och framförts vid flera institutioner så som danska Statens museum för konst, Bonniers Konsthall, Ystads konstmuseum, Malmö konsthall, Uppsala konstmuseum, Biskopshuset i Lund, Stene Projects Gallery, Galleri Ping Pong, Kvinnohistoriskt museum och Malmö Museer. Hon har tilldelats projekts- och arbetsstipendium från Konstnärsnämnden och finns representerad i flera privata och allmänna samlingar. 2015 var Lindahl med och startade föreningen UNICORN artists in solidarity. Lindahl är frekvent anlitad som lärare vid flera universitet och konstskolor samt paneler kopplade till hennes intresseområden.


2024 Archive of Lost Tails – an introduction, Kolonin, SE
2023 The Tyrant and the Muse, Krognoshuset, SE
2019 Teckning/Drawing, together with Aleksandra Kucharska, Konsthallen at Falsterbo Strandbad, SE
Isaac van Amburgh and his Animals, Stene Projects, SE
 Slit, Scratch, Stuff, Stitch, lounge presentation at Stene Projects, SE
2015 How do you see? –we are reflected in gazes of glass, Malmöhus Castle, SE
2015 How do you see? -slit, scratch, stuff, stitch, Konstfrämjandet Skåne, SE
 About: The Blank Pages, together with Ditte Ejlerskov, Kvinnohistoriskt museum, SE
 The Unbroken Archive, lounge presentation at Stene Projects, Stockholm, SE
2014 About: The Blank Pages, together with Ditte Ejlerskov, The Art Museum In Ystad, Ystad, SE
2014 About: The Blank Pages, together with Ditte Ejlerskov, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, SE
2012 The Human Exhibit, Stene Projects, Stockholm, SE
2012 The Human Exhibit, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, SE
2011 On Stage, lounge presentation at Stene Projects, Stockholm, SE
2011 On Stage, Gallery Ping Pong, Malmö, SE
2010 At The Zoo -The Violence and The Scenery, Stene Projects, Stockholm, SE
2008 Johann, David och jag, Galleri KHM , Malmö, SE


2023 Green, White and Red at the National Gallery of Denmark, performance at Krognoshuset Aura in Lund, SE
2022 Multispecies Disharmony in the Landscapes of the Walker Art Gallery
a performance reading and guided tour written for and performed at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, UK
2021  Chapter 1 – Resistance Within the Museum Fauna
an online performance at the European Association for Critical Animal Studies conference 2021
Resistance Within the Museum Fauna
A lecture performance and virtual guided tour at Lunds Konsthall, SE
2020 Resisting Invisibility: A Virtual Guided Tour from the Perspective of Eight Cows
a virtual guided tour performed at the Multispecies Heritage Conference, online, arranged by Edge Hill University.
2019 The Wild Cat Resists
an opening performance for the exhibition Goodbye Cruel World, It’s Over at Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf, DE
On the Back of a Huntsman
a performance reading and guided tour written for and performed at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Stockholm (Nationalmuseum)
 A Highland Raid at the National Museum of Women in the Arts
a performance lecture and virtual guided tour performed at the conference Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices at Linnaeus University in Växjö
Green, White and Red at the National Gallery of Denmark
a performance lecture and virtual guided tour performed at the (Un)Common Worlds conference in Turku, Finland 
Green Feathers
a performance reading and guided tour written for and performed at the National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst)
The We and I of the Bishops House
a performance reading and guided tour written for and performed at the Bishops House in Lund
 Dear General John J Pershing
a reading of a text based art work at Skånes Konstförening for the finnisage of the exhibition Paragoge
2014 Dear General John J Persing
a reading of a text based art work for the Exploring the Animal Turn conference at the Pufendorf Institute.


2024 For What it’s Worth: Value Systems in Art since 1960, The Warehouse, Dallas, US
2022 Women and Change, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ishöj, DK
Time for ChangeSPECTA gallery, Copenhagen, DK
 Goodbye Cruel World, It’s Over at Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf, DE
2019 Feminist Histories: Artists After 2000, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, BRA
 Artist’s Books, Lunds Konsthall, Lund, SE
2016 Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation 30 Years!, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
2016 Speaking Volumes, Glasgow Women’s Library, UK
2015 The yearly exhibition of Swedish Association for Art, Konstakademien, Stockholm, SE
2015 Old News (again), Cneai, FR
2015 Map of the New Art: Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Collection, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, IT
2015 Se fyra Konstnärer, (together with Ditte Ejlerskov), Kristianstad Konsthall, Kristianstad, SE
2015 Letter From Malmö, Damn Projects, A_Space, UK
2015 Den naturliga ordningen, Haninge Konsthall, Haninge, SE
2014 Syster, Borås Museum of Modern Art, Borås, SE
2014 We Hate in Order to Survive, Woodpecker projects at Inter Arts Center, Malmö, SE
2014 Our Inner Nature, Marabouparken, Stockholm, SE
2014 Grand Opening, Stene Projects Simrisham, SE
2013 Independent Studies at the annual exhibition, Valand Academy Gothenburg, SE
2012 The Daytime Nesting Project, Edelman PR, Stockholm, SE
2012 The Collector, Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala, SE
2011 Painterly Delight II, The Art Museum In Ystad, Ystad, SE
2011 I Love Malmö, Västerås Konstmuseum, Västerås, SE
2011 Malmö FF (Fast Forward), Skur2, Stavanger NO
2011 Baroque, Larm Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
2010 Painterly Delight I, Art Centre Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, DK
2010 Untitled Anouncement (feat. Steven Stewart New York), Stene Projects, Stockholm, SE
2009 MKH 09, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, SE
2009 Preview, Stene Projects, Stockholm, SE
2009 Old News #6, Malmö Konsthall SE. Centre for Contemporary Art NG. Den Frie Udstillingsbygning DK. The Living Art Museum IS.
2008 Stipendiater 2008: Maria Bonnier Dahlins Stiftelse, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, SE
2008 Anna-Lisa Thompson stipendiaterna 2008, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Uppsala, SE
2008 Unga Konstnärer, Pumphusets Konsthall, Landskrona, SE
2008 The Warf Road Project, V22 Contemporary Art Collection and e:vent, London, UK
2008 Anonymous Drawings/Selection, Galerie in der Stadtscheune, Ottendorf, DE
2008 Anonymous Drawings, Meinblau, Berlin, DE
2006 Varken Geni Eller Mininmalist, Galleri Pictura, Lund, SE
2006 Every Program Is A Pilot Every Program Is The Final Episode, Galleri Signal, Malmö, SE
2006 Hökarängen, Konsthall C, Stockholm, SE
2006 We Invite All, Bildmuseet, Umeå, SE
2005 Ungkonst, Mazettifabriken, Malmö, SE
2005 Sing Along Your Solosong, SE
2005 Whatever Happened To Socialdemocracy?, Rooseum, Malmö, SE
2004 Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs, Stockholm, SE
2004 The Artist And The Spectator, The Showroom, London, UK


2024 Screening of The Artist Named me Nero, Arten Festival, Hof Narr, CH
2020 Strandbadens kortfilmshelg, Konsthallen at Falsterbo Strandbad, SE


2024 Research residency at UmArts, SE
2023 Research residency at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, SE


2022 PhD – Edge Hill University, UK
2008 MFA – Malmö Art Academy, SE

2024 Exoplanets, Gothenburg University (part-time course)
2023 Astronomy in Art History, Gothenburg University (part-time course)
2015-2022 PhD degree, practice based research, Centre for Human Animal Studies, Edge Hill University, UK
2013 Critical Animal Studies: Animals in Society, Culture and the Media, Lund University, SE (part-time course)
2012-2013 Independent Studies in Art with Pedagogic Application, Valand Academy, SE
2005-2008 Master in Fine Art, Malmö Art Academy, SE
2003-2005 Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, SE
2002-2003 Funen Art Academy, DK
1998-2000 Gotland School of Art, SE


2024 Art is a Tyrant (peer-rewied)
Text written for the anthology Reimagining Species Relations – A Decade of Studying and Teaching Critical Animal Studies at Lund University, ISBN 978-91-89874-46-6. Download here.
2023 Sites of Cultural Production in Response to Mass Extinction (peer-rewied)
Article in Animal Studies Journal written in collaboration with Stephanie S. Turner and Tara Nicholson. Download here or here.
2023 Resistance within the Museum Fauna
Book, publisher: Aska Förlag, author: EvaMarie Lindahl, ISBN: 978-91-89399-14-3
Buy through the Bookstore.
2022 Challenging Anthropocentrism through Counter Art Histories and Non-Human Narratives
Book version of PhD-thesis, download or buy through the Bookstore.
EML-förlag, ISBN: 9789180592666
2022 Resistance within the Museum Fauna: Challenging Anthropocentrism through Counter Art Histories and Non-Human Narratives
PhD-Thesis (Download from Edge Hill University)
2015 “Vi är aktivister, vi är konstnärer” co-written with Lisa Nyberg, Utvägar, Ordfront Förlag, Stockholm, ISBN: 9789170378126 (adlibris) (libris)
2014 “Dear General John J Pershing”, Exploring the Animal Turn, Pufendorf Institute, Lund, ISBN 978-91-979893-8-1 (pdf) (adlibris) (libris)


2021  Chapter 1 – Resistance Within the Museum Fauna
an paper presentation and online performance at the European Association for Critical Animal Studies conference 2021
Resisting Invisibility: A Virtual Guided Tour from the Perspective of Eight Cows
at the Multispecies Heritage Conference, online, arranged by Edge Hill University.  
A Highland Raid at the National Museum of Women in the Arts
at the conference Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices at Linnaeus University in Växjö
Green, White and Red at the National Gallery of Denmark
at the Human Animal Studies conference (Un)Commmon Worlds in Turku, Finland
Green Feathers at the National Gallery of Denmark
at the European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference GREEN 2018
2017 The Choir of Isaac van Amburgh and his Animals
at the 5th European Conference of Critical Animal Studies, Lund University at the Pufendorf Institute
 The golden frame and framing of animals
at the European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference CONTROL 2016


2024 For What It’s Worth: Value Systems in Art since 1960 by Thomas Feulmer and Lisa Le Feuvre, published by Monacelli/Phaidon, ISBN: 9781580936583
2022 Women and Change, a catalogue published by ARKEN Museum of Modern Art
Kvinder i Opbrud, a catalogue published by ARKEN Museum of Modern Art
2020 CHART De-centred reader, a catalogue for CHART art fair 2020, text by David Risley
Women’s Histories Feminist Histories published by Museu de Arte de São Paulo, ISBN: 978-85-310-0075-1
Samlade Stipendiater! 30 år med Maria Boniers Dahlins stiftelse published by Bonnier Fakta
 Ingångar & utvägar. Samlade samtal i SAK 2010-2015 published by SAK, ISBN 978-91-7843-491-6
2014 Syster by Bastion, published by Borås Museum of Modern Art
2012 The Collector published by Uppsala Art Museum, ISBN 978-91-978807-6-3
2011 Malmö FF (fast forward) published by Einar Börresen and Skur2
2010 Painterly Delight published by Silkeborg Bad and Ystad Konstmuseum, ISBN 87-91252-37-7


2022 Swedish Arts Grants Committee, 2 year working grant
2019 Ester Almqvists minnesfond (art grant)
 Malmö Kulturstöds Ateljéstipendium, 2 year studio grant, 2018/2019
2015 Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Project Grant
2012 Swedish Arts Grants Committee, 2 year working grant
2009 Malmö Kulturstöds Ateljéstipendium, 2 year studio grant
2009 Swedish Arts Grants Committee, 1 year working grant
2008 Maria Bonnier Dahlins Stiftelse
2008 Anna-Lisa Thompson till minne
2008 Aase & Richard Björklunds fond
2008 Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse


Region Skåne
Malmö Art Museum
Arken Museum of Modern Art
Museu de Arte de São Paulo
Helsingborgs Museum
Statens Konstråd
New Karolinska Solna
Malmö Konstmuseum/The Malmö Art Museum, SE
The Bonnier Foundation Collection


2024 Lecture at Kolonin in Arvika about my research and art practice
2024 Outdoor workshop in drawing and studying horses, with Kolonin in Arvika
2023/2024 Drawing and Imagining, a workshop in drawing and an introduction to the field of critical animals studies at the Royal Danish Academy of Art.
2023 Text workshop at Umeå Art Academy with Lisa Nyberg
2023 Revealing Hidden Worlds: Art, Animals, and Advocacy, streamed panel by Arukah Animal Int., moderated by Annie Potts.
2023 Lecture at Nordiska Akvarellmuseet on non-human animals within arts and the concept of Museum Fauna
2023 Presentation and workshop at KKVMM together with Lisa Nyberg
2023 Lecture at Lunds Konsthall about my research and art practice
2023 Teaching a course on critical animal studies (CAS) for students at Malmö Art Academy in collaboration with Tobias Linné and the introductory course on CAS at Lund University.
2022 Lecture at Malmö Art Academy about my work and research
2022 Multispecies Disharmony a workshop on multispecies storytelling at the Walker Art Museum in Liverpool, UK
2022 Respons! An evening together with Lisa Nyberg at Malmö Konsthall, SE, on our different PhD-projects.
2022 Guest teacher at the BFA program in Visual Communication + Change at Linnaeus University on the modul Sustainability and creativity.
2022 Lecture at Gävle Konstcentrum on the topic of About: The Blank Pages
2020 Presentation at the symposium Listen to the Trees and Talk with the Flowers at Moderna Museet in Malmö together with artist Christine Ödlund and artist and sustainability scientist Diego Galafassi. In relation to the exhibition Sensing Nature from Within 
Presentation of the exhibition at Konsthallen, Falsterbo Strandbad
 Imagining through Writing and Drawing a workshop for the Bachelor students of  the Royal Danish Academy of Art held at the National Gallery of Denmark and the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen.
Lecture at Malmö Museum on the project Slit, Scratch, Stuff, Stitch and the liberation of the giraff at the entrance of Malmö Museum.
Lecture at The Royal Danish Academy of Art, on the representation of animals in museums, as part of the BFA course Animals on Display: Or, Why Look at Animals.
Konstnärsfrukost with Bästa Biennalen!  At Form/Design Center, moderator and presenter.
Making Room for Whom?  Participant in a panel discussion about the realities that establish the ongoing trajectory of art in a patriarchal society. About the power and practice of writing art history. 
En ny samtale: debatmøde om #metoo i dansk kunstliv  Participant in a debate on the Swedish and Danish #metoo movements, sharing experiences from the Swedish call #konstnärligfrihet.
2017 Presentation at the Bästa Biennalen! conference on Art Mediation in Change – From an artist’s point of view, Lunds Konsthall
2017 KPK#7 Konstnärer pratar om konst, Konstitutet och Bästa Biennalen! på Moderna Museet Malmö.
 – ongoing Teacher at Konstskolan Munka, an art school in Munka Ljungby, Skåne, Sweden
2015 The Art School in Munka Ljungby: workshops in conceptual drawing
2015 DNK-Den Nya Konstutbildningen: Teaching a workshop on how drawing can be used as a tool to understand and process history, together with Lisa Nyberg.
2015 Människan och hunden a panel discussion on the relationship between human and other animals, focusing on dogs, together with comedian Klara Zimmergren, sociologist David Redmalm and writer Anders Mathlein.
2015 Southern Stockholm Folk High School: A one week workshop on how to verbalise a project.
2015 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: The Sketch as a Creative Tool, course leader and teacher.
2014 DNK-Den Nya Konstutbildningen: As mentor for two students.
2014 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: Sketch tools, teacher in drawing techniques.
2014 Southern Stockholm Folk High School: A one week workshop focusing on how to run a project.
2014 The Art School in Munka Ljungby: studio visits.
2014 Lund University: Critical Animal Studies: Animals in Society, Culture and the Media, guest teacher and lecturer.
2014 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: The Sketch as a Creative Tool, course leader and teacher.
2014 The Art School in Munka Ljungby: regular teacher in Croquis during spring semester.
2014 Umeå Art Academy: Survival Course -how to survive in the art world, together with Emma Philipson.
2014 Beckmans in Malmö: Night Class in Visual Communications, guest teacher in Croquis and drawing.
2013 The Art School in Munka Ljungby: Contemporary drawing with students from the first and second year.
2013 Southern Stockholm Folk High School: A one week workshop focusing on how to start a project.
2013 Museum of Public Art: Workshop and a talk about how to use the attitude of sketching as an educational tool.
2013 Valand Academy, Fine Art: Studio Visits with students at BA1.
2013 Valand Academy, Fine Art: Reading and commenting essays written by MA1 and BA3.
2013 The Art School in Munka Ljungby: Artist talk and studiovisits.
2013 Beckmans in Malmö: Night Class in Visual Communications, teacher in Croquis.
2013 Southern Stockholm Folk High School: Portfolioworkshop/Concept Development Course
2013 Umeå Art Academy: Survival Course -how to survive in the art world, together with Emma Philipson
2013 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: The Sketch as a Creative Tool, course leader and teacher
2012 Valand Academy, Fine Art: A course on different applications together with Kajsa Dahlberg
2012 Southern Stockholm Folk High School: Portfolioworkshop
2012 Southern Stockholm Folk High School: Concept Development Course
2012 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: The Sketch as a Creative Tool, course leader and teacher
2011 Umeå Art Academy: Survival Course -how to survive in the art world, together with Emma Philipson
2011 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: The Sketch as a Creative Tool, course leader and teacher
2010 Malmö Universitys School of Technology: The Sketch as a Creative Tool, course leader and teacher
2010 BGK in Holstebro: From Mona Lisa to Lady Gaga, about the history of the portrait, together with Ditte Ejlerskov


2020 CHART De-centred, Specta Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
 Volta 9, Basel, CH
2012 SCARF, Scandinavian Art Fair, online
2012 Market, Stockholm, SE
2011 Art Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK
2011 Market, Stockholm, SE


2024 Created the cover for the anthology En viktlös skärva av tid i Gaza – En poetisk antologi till stöd för Palestina published by Aska Förlag.
2017 On the organizing committee of  The 5th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies at the Pufendorf Institute in Lund
2016 Founding member of UNICORN Artist in Solidarity
2015 Investigating the possibility of Malmö to become a City of Refuge for artists together with Lisa Nyberg and Sebastian Dahlqvist. The initiativ is funded by Swedish Arts Council, Folkuniversitetet and Konstfrämjandet.
2015 Participated in the sketch comission project Den nya arbetsplatskonstföreningen, Sveriges Konstföreningar.
2014 Created the meeting A Revelation That Must Be Heard together with Lisa Nyberg at Moderna Museet Malmö.in relation to the opening weekend of the exhibition Society Acts. Invited speakers/participants were:Liz Fekete from the Institute of Race Relations, Joachim Hamou about the Trampolin House in Copenhagen, Rani Nair, Bahareh Razekh Ahmadi and Anneli Carnelid from the cabaret EuropaEuropa, Kakan Hermansson about her exhibition Jag ska begrava dig, Förbundet Allt åt Alla Malmö, Interfem and Felicia Mulinari.
2014 Created the cover for the book Oäktingen by Violette Leduc published by Rastlös Förlag. 
2012 Guest editor for the art and literature magazine PAPI 
 Representing KRO, The Swedish Artists’ National Organization, during the development of courses for Kulturlyftet
2010 Taking part in Jacob Fabricius´project Old News #6 shown in Iceland, Nigeria, Denmark and Sweden